10 Questions with Sarah Kasmir, Investor Relations Director
1. What do you enjoy most about your role at Vintage?
The daily challenges that keep me on my toes.
2. Who is one person in your life that had a major influence on you?
My father, a real-life entrepreneur, taught me a lot about business and offered great advice.
3. If you had to name a “single most impressive thing” about Vintage, what would it be?
Hands down the team. Vintage has such a wealth of expertise and knowledge.
4. What is something you would still like to learn how to do?
Be a better cook, I wish my fridge was always full of wonderful, tasty food (my kids would love this too!).
5. Is there a quote, mantra, or message you live your life by and resonate with?
“Always start as you mean to go on.”
6. What is the one item you can’t live without?
My iPad.
7. What made you first interested in technology?
Building circuit boards in Information Technology class at school.
8. What are some of the values you strongly believe in?
Equality and Freedom.
9. What is the one place you have never visited that you would like to visit?
I would love to travel to Asia and soak up the food and culture.
10. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you were older?
A shopkeeper, I sometimes joined my father and grandmother at work on the weekends; I loved being on the shop floor, serving customers, making a sale, and ringing the till.